# 4 Carrie Brown - Fennville
Buck Stats & important features * 10 points, 145-150 pounds 15" spread. Longest tine is 10"
Where did you take this buck? Fennville, Allegan Co.
Hello! My story begins this summer.I hunt our neighbors property. What a blessing it is to have 40 acres of prime hunting in your back yard! My husband set out our trail camera in July and in our first set of pictures was a large buck in velvet. My husband named him "Out Back". We were so excited to see such a large and beautiful deer. In prevous years it had seemed that the our local deer population consisted mostly of does and young bucks. We would keep putting the cameras out throught out the summer and into the fall, but would never see Out Back again. Where did he go? Did he leave the area? We hoped he was okay.
As hunting season was getting closer I started thinking about where I was going to hunt from this year. My husband uses tree stands, but I just am not totally comfortable shooting a gun from "up above". I like it on the ground. As clumsy as I am I would end up falling on a deer before shooting it. So my sons Clayton 8, and Lucas 4 headed out to find a spot and build a blind that could accomidate the three of us if needed. It was so much fun! We found a nice tree in what I thought was a good location and went to work gathering sticks and putting in seats. I was so excited to get out and hunt! So later in archery season my brother-in-law went hunting in a tree stand about 50 yards from my blind. He comes back in the morning all excited-he just shot a seven point buck. It ran right by my blind and died. Okay, I will admit it, I was a little bummed. I was happy for him but pouting at the same time. "That was supposed to be my deer" I thought to myself. What was really exciting was that he showed me a scrape not to far from the buck. An active scrape just 30 yards from my blind! How cool. I kept checking on it and it was getting "freshend up" I was getting very excited. On the Friday before opening day we put the trail cam out on the scrape. Saturday morning my husband brought it in. Four pictures on it. Could this be it, are these pictures of "the one for me"! DOES! it was all does. Oh the ups and downs. The next day I was up early and so pumped to get out. I packed a water bottle bottle and some snacks my Husband joked with me "typical women, bringing grocerys" I laughed and just said " I am prepared to be out a while". We debated on wheather I should take my 20 ga. or his 12 ga. We decided the 12 would be best, just in case. I got out to my blind and settled in. I love the mornings when the forsest comes alive at day break. Then it happend Sunday November 15th 7:55 a.m. "Out Back" walked up to the scrape and into my freezer! He stayed around! 10 points of beauty! Thank you God for blessing me with such a great story to tell. This sure beats the button buck (my first kill) of two years ago.
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